What If
Picture of Derrick Dunn

Derrick Dunn

What If is another winner for Marvel

The latest series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe arrives on Disney + in “What If…?” Bryan Andrews serves as the director while AC Bradley is the head writer on the series. What If, flips the script on the MCU, reimagining famous events from the films in unexpected ways. Marvel Studios’ first animated series focuses on different heroes from the MCU, featuring a voice cast that includes a host of stars who reprise their roles. Fans will immediately recognize the voice talents of Jeffrey Wright, who voices the series narrator, a celestial being known as The Watcher. Episode 1 carries the title “What If… Captain Carter Were The First Avenger”.

The first episode features the voice cast of many who made an appearance in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger. When Steve Rogers is seriously injured, Peggy Carter becomes the world’s first super-soldier. In hindsight, the episode follows the same story of the 2011 film with the notable difference of Peggy taking the super serum. The lovely Haley Atwell voices Peggy and slides in the roles with ease. The animation is glorious, and fans will enjoy all of the easter eggs.

Episode 2, though, is sure to end up as a fan favorite. The second episode reimagines that T’Challa became Star-Lord instead of Peter Quinn and retells the story of Guardians of the Galaxy. The late great Chadwick Boseman returns to voice the role in what ultimately will be the last time we hear Boseman in the role. The gifted actor brings a boyish charm to the role, and it’s clear that Boseman is having a blast. I don’t want to spoil too much about Episode 2 as I want fans to enjoy it fully blind. However, Nebula, Thanos, and The Collector all make an appearance voiced by the actors who portrayed them in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The differences made to the characters are worth the view alone.

While I don’t consider myself a diehard comics book fan, growing up, I was always intrigued by the concept of What If. I can honestly say that if the television series indicates how fun the source material is, I truly missed out.

Final Grade: A –

“What If….?” begins airing on Wednesday, August 11, with a new episode weekly until October 6.

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