Add A Dash Of Heat And Mix It With Crooning: Inside The Mind Of Singer Turned Chef, Vocalz Iz
my latest interview guest Vocalz Iz. The singer has just embarked on his latest business venture and took out the time to chop it up with me.
Actor Bryan Earl drops by to discuss his working relationship with director Bobby Huntly and their new film.
Reviews & Dunn – When did you realize that you wanted to get into acting?
Bryan Earl – One day at work I saw my high school drama teacher going to a movie set across the street. I chased him down and during our conversation, he just kept saying that acting was for me, that it was ordained by the heavens. It really spoke to me at the time, and I really looked up to him, so I listened to what he told me to do to get started and the rest was history.
Reviews & Dunn – What can you tell us about your character in Connect?
Bryan Earl – Well Vincent is very much hurt by his father -whose political career seems to take more of a precedence than his own son’s well-being. He does not think his father really cares enough to try to understand him and all he is going through. Vincent also wishes that he could go back and do things differently with Joy. The loss that they both had to endure when they were together truly haunts him. He confides in his roommate Monroe only to get his secret outed and betrayed. Not to mention, a recently Murdered kid has sparked controversy that he will not be able to avoid or hide from. In other words – Vincent has a lot on his shoulders.
Reviews & Dunn – You previously worked with director Bobby Huntley on the concept trailer for NE Heartbreak and the short Louisiana 1961. How did you two meet?
Bryan Earl – Simply put, Facebook. The world of social media connected us. I saw an audition call and I submitted and showed up. Ironically, it was my first audition. I didn’t even know it was to play Bobby Brown in Bobby Huntley’s pitch trailer for the New Edition story and I didn’t find out until after the first rehearsal when we were all casted. It came out months later and went viral and it even got me an opportunity to fly to Los Angeles and audition for the BET miniseries. It was an eye opening experience for my first project ever. From there Bobby Huntley and I have been working together ever since
Reviews & Dunn – Speaking of NE Heartbreak, Mr. Huntley had you in mind to portray Bobby Brown. What are your top three B. Brown tracks?
Bryan Earl – “Rock Witcha”, “Girlfriend”, and “Roni”. Those are instant classics
Reviews & Dunn – What advice can you offer to aspiring actors?
Bryan Earl – To always believe in yourself. Don’t tell your dreams to small-minded people. Keep working on your craft and smile more, love better
Reviews & Dunn – Is there anything you would like to add? In addition, where can fans find you on social media?
Bryan Earl – Well I’d like to add that I find much joy in making people feel, express and live so I hope that my films make people do just that. You can find me on all social media platforms as @thebryanearl
Be sure to check out the past interviews with Bryan’s co-stars Ashley John and Ronnie Baker Jr.
Connect will be available to stream virtually during the 2021 Michaeux Film Festival April 26- May 2. Tickets and additional information will soon be available here:
my latest interview guest Vocalz Iz. The singer has just embarked on his latest business venture and took out the time to chop it up with me.
One of the greatest things in life is when you can interview one of your on-line friends as they live out their dreams. Shout out to my man Denny “DJ Soulchild” Sutton who blessed my platform with an interview.
Hip Hop Head and author Justin Jones is currently in the final writing stages of his second book ‘Hip Hop Was Dead: The State of the Culture 2003-2007’. That book covers a 5-year era of Hip-Hop and how the culture was affected during that period. Mr. Jones took some time out, though, to chat with me about his debut book Street Dreaming: Reading Nas’ It Was Written.
Reviews And Dunn is a unique blog showcasing all things cinema, music & theater.