Author Vicki Kelly on her new book A City In The Sand
Picture of Derrick Dunn

Derrick Dunn

Author Vicki Kelly on her new book A City In The Sand

Reviews & Dunn: Growing up, who were some of your favorite authors?

Vicki Kelly: Steven King, Ann Rice, Dean Koontz, and Brian Lumley.

Reviews & Dunn: When did you realize that you wanted to be a writer?

Vicki Kelly: 14 years old.

Reviews & Dunn: What was the plot of your first story?

Vicki Kelly: A teen love story where a 14-year-old girl who lost her parents always goes to the cemetery to visit them. She meets a young man and realizes he’s always there when she’s there. They become close, and then he saves her from an attacker using inhuman strength. He admits that he’s stuck on this plain until he can locate who murdered him. She helps him find his murderer, but then he must leave. He kisses her and tells her he loves her and will always be watching her. Then he disappears. She is very hurt. But the experience has taught her how to become stronger. It ends with her visiting her parents and him at the cemetery.

Reviews & Dunn: What was the inspiration behind your current book, A City in the Sand?

Vicki Kelly: I have been teleworking since March 13th. I realized the time I would normally be sitting in traffic; I was now at home. I always listen to soundscapes while I work. I had just logged off when I heard a song that moved me, so I got up, walked to the TV to see what group made it. Then the tears started rolling… I envisioned a younger version of myself, 45 years old, but dressed from a different time. She said she had a story to tell me about another life I had. I sat at my PC, cried, kept playing that same song, and started typing 3-4 hours a day after work every day. And 45 days later, I had completed the first draft of “A City in the Sand.” After I submitted my manuscript to the publisher, I continued with “A City in the Sand – The Lost years.” It is now in the draft stages. And will be out sometime in 2021, and the last book, “A City in the Sand – The Beginning” in 2022.

Reviews & Dunn: In your opinion, what were the best and worst adaptions of books turned into movies?

Vicki Kelly: The original movie Carrie by Stephen King 1976, was fantastic. There is only one Sissy Spacek. The Carrie remakes, not so good. “The Shining” was great from 1980. Again, there is only one Jack Nicholson and Scatman Crothers. The remake of The Shining was just okay. I understand that many fans didn’t want certain characters killed off, so the remakes allowed them to live. But sometimes, if the movie follows the book, just leave it at that.

Reviews & Dunn: If A City in the Sand was turned into a Netflix series, who would you cast in the lead roles?

Vicki Kelly: The main female Lead (Lynn) would be Regina King or Kerry Washington. The main male lead, (Akin) – pronounced “Au-kin” would be Idris Elba or Mustafa Shakir- playing dual roles.

Reviews & Dunn: If you could only listen to Thriller or Purple Rain, which album are you picking first?

Vicki Kelly: Thriller would be my first choice. I loved Michael Jackson, but I liked Prince.

Reviews & Dunn: Where can fans purchase your book?

Vicki Kelly: . In a few weeks, the other book outlets will get their inventory -Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop, Walmart, and Bam! Powell’s City of Books, INGRAM, eBooks, Apple Books. The eBook just went live on Amazon on 11/3/2020.

Reviews & Dunn: What advice would you offer to first time writers?

Vicki Kelly: I Googled, “How do I become a self-published author?” There is a ton of information out there. Depending on how much time you have. A lot you can do yourself, but it takes time. If you decide to use a publishing company, find out the top ten companies, read their reviews, and watch videos. Expect to spend between $1,000.00 -$3,600.00. My last thing to add is to make sure you have an editor for your manuscript and do not cut corners on the book cover

Reviews & Dunn: Is there anything you would like to add, and where can fans find you on social media?

Vicki Kelly: Fans can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and at my website,

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